Cleaning Service

Cleaning service
It`s just water we work with.
You do not have a permanently installed cleaning system? We offer a comprehensive cleaning service.
For all customers who have no own permanently installed cleaning system, JNW CleaningSolutions will be pleased to take over the cleaning of the air-cooled heat exchangers. We offer a complete cleaning service. The plant operator does not need to do anything, apart from provision of water and power supply. Our service comprises the following package:
Service van completely equipped with:
- from JNW CleaningSolutions developed and patented semi-automatic mobile cleaning system for cleaning of different types of air-cooled heat exchangers including gear motor for vertical movement of the nozzle beam
- State of the art HP-nozzle beam technology, especially designed for finned tube geometry
- HP pump
All accessories, such as:
- C hoses
- HP hoses
- Power supply cables
The complete temporary installation and demounting of the mobile cleaning system as well as the whole cleaning of the heat exchangers takes place trough our trained and experienced cleaning teams, consisting of two technicians each. As in stationary cleaning systems the mechanical JNW-high pressure cleaning with a mobile system is only operated with water (without additives). The cleaning can be effected on-line. Concerning the cleaning capacity there are no differences between the different cleaning systems.
Inner Tube Cleaning (ITC)
Also contamination and dirt in the heat exchanger tubes cause loss of cooling capacity. The answer is the ITC-System from JNW CleaningSolutions for cleaning heat exchanger tubes inside.
The ITC-system offers the perfect solution especially for heat exchangers with difficult access.
The spring-loaded ITC-tube cleaner are shot by means of a water gun with a pressure of 10-30 bar and move with a speed of 3-6 m/s. Thereby they remove deposits which are rinsed out by the water. For different kinds of dirt and deposits different special cleaners were developed. As result there will be a clean inner surface for an optimum heat transmission.